Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why You Should Avoid These Leather Trends?

Even after being a leather lover for years now, there are few forms of leather wearing that I just can’t step in to. Call it faux pas or dressing superstitions, I equate these trends to fashion blunders. People have a detailed look and understand what made me scale them in the hit list of leather fashion to avoid.
All Leather Clothing Trend


Oh yes, rock-n-roll epitome Elvis Presley coined this style and had a blast with it. However, you need to realize that was in the era of mid-20th century and now you and I are the dwellers of 21st century. Therefore, this trend is a big NO! Longevity of this leather fashion trend has expired now. You need to stay updated by following the latest leather fashion. Rather than living on mortals of past, which will make you appear too flashy.

Just the Vest
Want you give your outfit an upbeat cult? Wear a leather vest on top and go get the look you desire. It will surely make things easier for you when it comes to leather fashion. However, wearing it on bare body might get you in the radar of style police. Only leather vest look makes you appear overly bulgy on top. Therefore, this trend deserves to be strictly avoided.

Too Much of Color Blocking

Color blocking is the latest in running in leather style circuit. It will get you noticed amidst of all the neutral hues. However, things will turn upside down if you approach this style in extremes. Wearing overly contrast colors in leather have tendency to get you the clown look, which I’m sure you don’t want to style yourself in. So getting going with this trend in the colors that actually complement each other, rather than the ones that go hay-via.

All stud everywhere

Punk maniacs are the true survivors of studded leather style. However, if you are styling top to bottom in studded leather look then you are bound to get a few looks for your style sense. Pairing studded leather jacket/top with studded leather pants is the sinister crime in my style bible.

Leather Belt and Suspender Combo

Carve it in your style thesis, never wear leather suspenders, and belt together. Want to know why? It is all because both these structure providing accessorizes outcast you in a rectangular frame that is right away disapproved. To conclude this pairing just a word is enough “AVOID”!


Leather is a costly garment. Therefore, when you shop for it, shop it smartly from an authorized online leather store. Rather than going for anything and everything that will make you commit a leather fashion blunder.


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